Play Every Day Act

Play Every Day Act
The PLAY Every Day Act was a bill proposed to help promote the national recommendation of physical activity to kids, families, and communities across the United States. The purpose of this Act was to help children, families, and communities achieve 60 minutes of physical activity every day, which is the national recommendation.

Kiwanis International

Kiwanis International started in 1915 as a business and professional men's club in Detroit, Michigan. The unusual name of "Kiwanis" came from the American Indian expression, which is translated as "We Build." In 1919, the original purpose of exchanging business between members and serving the poor was refined to "serving the children of the world." And what was originally a men's only service club became, in 1987, an open club for men and women. Currently, Kiwanis clubs "sponsor nearly 150,000 service projects and have raised more than $107 million."

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company
Over 80 years ago, in 1927, John Ahrens formed Ahrens Manufacturing Company in Grinnell, Iowa. He had seen a perpetual motion machine at the Texas State Fair and with that inspiration designed a new merry-go-round called the Miracle Whirl. John was awarded a patent for his unique design which allowed just one person to make the merry-go-round move by shifting their weight across the surface.

Theme Play

Theme Play
A form of symbolic play, in theme play children pretend to take on roles of others they have observed from earlier situations. Using theme ideas complete with dress-up costumes and props adds to their development.

Barb King

Barb King
Steve and Barb King founded Landscape Structures, Inc. in 1971. Barb King conceived the idea of connecting various play components. The Säjai Foundation, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2006 by Barb King. The Foundation was created in an effort to combat childhood obesity by developing programs that encourage children to increase activity and make good food choices.

Signs and Labels

Signs and Labels
Signs and Labels on and around playground equipment provide safety information on playgrounds. Some signs are for information, some are for warning, and some are for user education. Signs should be placed at the entrance to the play area or in a conspicuous location on the equipment. Freestanding signs must be near the play equipment entrance but outside of the use zone.
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