Landscape Architect and Specifier News

Landscape Architect and Specifier News
Created in 1985, Landscape Architect and Specifier News (LASN) is a professional journal that features issues and projects led or influenced by registered landscape architects. Their mission is to "entertain and educate landscape professionals, and connect them to vendors and service providers." Through project highlights, new concepts spotlights, industry news reports, company advertisements, monthly vendor listings, and a yearly Specifier's Guide, they promote and inform professional landscape architects nationwide.

Tim Gill

Tim Gill
Through his writing, public speaking, consulting, and independent research, Tim Gill is focused on the "changing nature of childhood, children's play and free time, and their evolving relationships with the people and places around them."

Dorothy Enderis

Dorothy Enderis
Known as "The Lady of the Lighted Schoolhouse," in the early 20th century Dorothy Caroline Enderis developed leisure time recreation into an internationally recognized program that "demonstrated what a city can do to help its people live happy lives."

Schoolyard Habitats

Schoolyard Habitats
Sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, the Schoolyard Habitats program reconnects children to nature through outdoor classroom environments that attract and support local wildlife. Wildlife habitats on school grounds encourage students to use their academic skills, curiosity, and creativity to learn about local ecosystems and wildlife species.

Lloyd Reese

Lloyd Reese
As Director of Engineering and Development at PlayPower, Inc. and former president of International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA), Lloyd Reese believes that "The first decade of this century has also seen a society that is slowly but steadily realizing that benefits of play are far reaching."

Maintaining Child's Play

Maintaining Child's Play
Maintaining Child's Play offers a comprehensive approach to playground maintenance with the goal of preventing or minimizing injuries on the playground, legally protecting playground installers and operators, and facilitating the longevity of playground equipment.

The Baby Einstein Company

The Baby Einstein Company
The Baby Einstein Company, a division of the Walt Disney Company, offers multimedia products, toys, and baby products for children aged three months to 3 years old. Under the slogan of "Where Discovery Begins," they offer an introduction to the subjects of music, language, art, science, and mathematics from a baby's point-of-view.
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