Steve King

Steve King - Landscape Structures
Steve and his wife Barb King founded Landscape Structures, Inc. in 1971. From the concept of "continuous play," together they created a home-based business, and that company has grown to more than 300 employees headquartered in Delano, Minnesota, and 200 world-wide representatives. The company has designed, manufactured and installed more than 50,000 playgrounds worldwide.


young girl with high self esteem
Self-esteem can be defined as what a person's unconscious believes to be true about his value, worthiness, and competence. Messages received from others are unconsciously accepted as facts no matter how legitimate or based in reality they are. Therefore, one's self-esteem is continuously constructed and reconstructed by others' verbal and non-verbal messages.

Peaceful Playgrounds

Peaceful Playgrounds
Peaceful Playgrounds started in 1995 with Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D., who wanted more children involved with physical activity during recesses. Melinda designed a program using a variety of games in organized activities rather than the passive standing in line to use playground equipment or talking in small groups that she was seeing.

Tom Norquist

Tom Norquist
Throughout his career Tom Norquist has worked to raise playground industry standards. Tom says that "A major key to safer yet more challenging equipment is promoting equipment design research that emphasizes both developmental and safety factors."

Freenotes Harmony Park

Freenotes Harmony Park
Started by Richard Cooke, Freenotes and Freenote instruments have been influential in combining music with play creating outdoor musical instruments for playgrounds. Freenotes Harmony Park is a company that produces musical instruments suitable for outdoor playgrounds, schools, museums, hospitals, community gardens, and other outdoor settings.


black and white drawing of a hand gripping a bar
Grip is defined as the act of grasping and holding fast. Boys and girls have approximately the same grip strength until the age of 10 years, when boys' grip strength becomes increasingly stronger than girls. Left-handed children tend to have equal strength in both hands, while right-handed children are significantly stronger in their dominant hand.


Children Exercising Through Play
Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health. For children, exercise is playing and being physically active. The American Heart Association recommends that children have at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical exercise every day.

Safe Kids Worldwide

Safe Kids Worldwide
In 2004, representatives from 14 countries joined Safe Kids USA to create a global non-profit global organization called Safe Kids Worldwide, which is located in Washington, DC. In 2010, they had 19 member countries across the globe. The mission of the organization is to "work together to educate families, create safer environments, and advocate for improved laws to protect children."

Otto T. Mallery

Otto T. Mallery
Otto Tod Mallery, known as the "Father of Recreation in Philadelphia," was an economist, "citizen volunteer," and leader in the local, national, and international recreation movement of the early 20th century. Calling him "farseeing, statesmanlike, and devoted," Howard S. Braucher further characterized him as "one of the great leaders in the recreation movement nationally and locally in Philadelphia."
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