K'NEX designs, manufactures, and distributes plastic toy construction sets that encourage creativity, interaction, self-confidence, fine motor skill development, and an understanding of math, science, and technology concepts.

KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1996 by Darell Hammond and Dawn Hutchison. Darell served as CEO for 20 years and led KaBOOM! with a collaboration of partners to build, open, or improve more than 17,000 playgrounds, engaged more than 1.5 million volunteers, and served more than 9 million children.
Kalousek, Tom
Tom Kalousek began working for the Bensenville Park District in Illinois after completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography/Geology. He supervised maintenance there and subsequently at the nearby Arlington Height Park District and the Elmhurst Park District. During this time Tom began a long association with the Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA). Tom is also on the steering committee of the US Play Coalition that was formed at Clemson University in 2009.
Kellert, Stephen

Dr. Stephen R. Kellert is a Tweedy Ordway Professor Emeritus of Social Ecology and Senior Research Scholar at the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. His research and writings have centered around the concept of "biophilia" the instinctual connection of humans with the natural world. Stephen's work centers on this connection with special interest in sustainable designs and environmental conservation.

Kenner Products was formed in 1947 by the Steiner brothers, Philip, Joseph, Albert, and Albert's son, Robert, as a soap, flavoring, and extract business. They named their new company Kenner, after the street their office was on in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Kick the Can

A classic children's game, Kick the Can has elements of hide and seek, tag, and capture the flag in its game play. The rules of the game are simple and can be played outdoors in a variety of settings, including back yards, streets, or open spaces that allow for hiding places for children. Rather than using a ball, the only piece of equipment is an object that can be kicked. The name of the game is Kick the Can, because often a discarded empty can from the trash is used that can have rocks inserted into it to make noise.

Played with elements similar to baseball and soccer, one of the most popular children's games on the playground is kickball. The game is played by two teams who try to score more runs than their opponents by rounding the bases and crossing home plate as many times as possible after successfully kicking the ball into play.
Kids Around the World

Kids Around the World is a faith-based organization founded in 1994 by Dennis Johnson. Initially, their goal was to provide safe play equipment for children who were affected by natural disasters, economic stress, political injustice, war and other situations beyond their control. Many organizations, such as the Rotary International Foundation, the Million Dollar Round Table Foundation, Salvation Army, World Vision, and Samaritan's Purse, along with individuals provide the resources for global travel and the construction of playgrounds.
Kidstuff Playsystems

Since the mid-1980s, Kidstuff Playsystems has been manufacturing playground equipment that includes themed play structures as well as free standing elements, such as spring riders, see saws, swings, and climbers, fitness elements, and park amenities. Marketed as KidSoft, the company also offers several playground safety surfacing materials.

Kindergarten is a classroom program typically for children from 4 to 6 years of age. It is designed to be a transition for young children from home into the traditional school environment.
King, Barb

Steve and Barb King founded Landscape Structures, Inc. in 1971. Barb King conceived the idea of connecting various play components. The Säjai Foundation, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2006 by Barb King. The Foundation was created in an effort to combat childhood obesity by developing programs that encourage children to increase activity and make good food choices.
King, Steve

Steve and his wife Barb King founded Landscape Structures, Inc. in 1971. From the concept of "continuous play," together they created a home-based business, and that company has grown to more than 300 employees headquartered in Delano, Minnesota, and 200 world-wide representatives. The company has designed, manufactured and installed more than 50,000 playgrounds worldwide.

Flying kites on a breezy day is a delightful activity for children and adults alike. Kites come in many shapes and sizes, and their different designs allow for different flight maneuvers in the sky. However, the principles of flying a kite are very much the same no matter the design.
Kiwanis International

Kiwanis International started in 1915 as a business and professional men's club in Detroit, Michigan. The unusual name of "Kiwanis" came from the American Indian expression, which is translated as "We Build." In 1919, the original purpose of exchanging business between members and serving the poor was refined to "serving the children of the world." And what was originally a men's only service club became, in 1987, an open club for men and women. Currently, Kiwanis clubs "sponsor nearly 150,000 service projects and have raised more than $107 million."
Klamer, Reuben

Reuben B. Klamer invented or designed more than 200 toys, including 46 games, the most famous of which was the The Game of Life. He felt that "the best playthings for children are simple, with shape, structure and form appropriate for their developmental stage. Great toys fire children's imagination and can be played with in many creative ways."

Begun in Denmark in 1970, the company name is derived from the Danish "kumpan" that means "companion." Known for their unique and innovative designs, KOMPAN has a network of child development specialists who guide the company's research and product innovation. KOMPAN designs are inclusive to encourage children of varying abilities to play together.
Kutska, Ken

Ken Kutska has been involved since the 1970s in the evolution of the public playground industry safety standards and was co-founder and instructor of the National Recreation and Park Association's National Playground Safety Institute and its internationally recognized Certified Playground Safety Inspector Program.