
More than just a blog, ActiveKidsClub is a grassroots community dedicated to connecting children and adults to the outdoors through play, cooking, and lifestyle choices. Founder Kari Svenneby created the ActiveKidsClub blog and resulting website.
Childhood 101

A blog-based website, Childhood 101 was founded by Christie Burnett as a central location for information about children and play with content written by Christie and other parents. The Childhood 101 blog has grown into a website and an e-zine.
Free-Range Kids

The blog, Free-Range Kids, is written by Lenore Skenazy, who was dubbed "America's Worst Mom" by the media for allowing her 9-year-old son to ride the subway in New York City alone. The Free-Range Kids blog has become one of the central clearinghouse websites for airing concerns of media reports that demonstrate the trends of adults who overly protect children from perceived dangers.
Global Toy News

Richard Gottlieb, a known authority on the "business of play," created the blog Global Toy News because he felt there was a need "for serious (and sometimes playful) commentary on the toy industry." His commentary has ranged from exploring controversial issues and trends to discussions of books, games, TV, sports, science, music and interviews of toy industry leaders.
Let the Children Play

Let the Children Play is a blog that "celebrates the importance of play in the lives and education of our children." It is dedicated to sharing play-based preschool experiences and providing "inspiration, tips and information to help parents and teachers alike put the play back into childhood."
Since 2007, Mike Lanza has posted to his blog, Playborhood, longing for the "Leave it to Beaver" days that seem to be lost forever. Concerned that unstructured free play has "virtually vanished from the lives of most children in America," he is committed to voicing his concerns to build a community of parents who will become more aware of the problems and seek to implement the best solutions.

Written by Alex Smith, PlayGroundology is a blog that "scours the web for all things bright, beautiful and occasionally tarnished about the world of playgrounds." Unique and interesting playgrounds, both old and new, are highlighted as well as posts about design, art, history, advocacy groups, and civic engagement as they relate to playgrounds.
Rethinking Childhood

Tim Gill, a leading philosopher on childhood in the United Kingdom, launched the blog Rethinking Childhood in order to reach more people and engage more people in a conversation concerning "the changing nature of childhood."
Slow Family

Susan Sachs Lipman (Suz) created the Slow Family blog and the Slow Parenting movement to help busy parents reconnect with their families and their passions through fun activities in nature and at home. She believes that "the Slow Movement is not necessarily about slowing (though it can be)."
Teacher Tom

The Teacher Tom blog is authored by Tom Hobson, the sole teacher at the Woodland Park Cooperative Preschool in Seattle, Washington. Writing a personal blog that is separate from but inspired by his daily activities at the preschool, Tom writes about "teaching and learning from preschoolers."
The Grass Stain Guru

The Grass Stain Guru was a blog about "restoring childhood, and saving ourselves in the process." The blog, written by Bethe Almeras, covered topics on unstructured play, children and nature, and education reform in an intimate, conversational tone that encouraged her readers to interact and share their experiences.