Childhood 101 is a blog-based website that recognizes that “childhood is a journey … not a race”1 and “celebrates the joys of family and childhood, providing information and inspiration for modern day parents as their children play, learn and grow.” The writers for Childhood 101 believe “A great childhood is about simple fun, play and learning with the people that you love.”2
Christie Burnett, a former early childhood teacher and new mother, founded Childhood 101 in May 2009 for an “outlet” to explore her “thoughts and ideas and feelings” about children and parenting children.3 Writing every month, Christie has covered such topics as holidays, health issues, home organizing and routines, children's art, early education, child friendly recipes, books, and play. Joined by other mothers as contributing authors, Christie has organized the blogs into nine categories: Play, Create, Learn, Read, Home, Health, Eat, Family, and Make.
From the beginning, Childhood 101 was recognized by winning the Talent Program Blogger in the 2009 Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards and the Best Parenting Blog in the 2011 Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards.4 They were also named by the Ford Company as one of the top 50 bloggers in 2012.5
Collaborating with early childhood educators and “playful mums,” Christie publishes the e-zine Play Grow Learn with ideas “for playing inside and outside, with activities for moving, talking, cooking, creating, thinking, singing, imagining and constructing.”6 Focusing on children from birth through five years old, each edition is over 50 pages of play ideas, often including a printable activity. Childhood101 also offers the two e-books Family Food and Art not Craft as resources.7
A regular feature of Childhood 101 was the We Play articles, which after 13 months was replaced in 2011 by Playopedia, a network of the best play ideas. They are organized into seven types of play: constructing, imagining, creating, exploring, thinking, moving, and making.8 These categories are also searchable for play ideas for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, bigger kids, and inside or outside play. Readers may also submit their own play ideas that are fun, unique, and easily replicated.9
Christie's belief in “the value of children learning through play, the importance of quality early education, and the togetherness of family” is illustrated in her nearly 30 benefits that children gain when they learn through play.10 Among the qualities that they gain through play are how to create; to manage their time, and space, and belongings; to speak and listen; to challenge ideas; to persevere; to be adaptable; and how to apply the knowledge and concepts they are learning.11
- 1. “Childhood101.” Technorati. < http://technorati.com/blogs/childhood101.blogspot.com%2F > 6 Feb. 2013.
- 2. Burnett, Christie. “About.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/about/ > 11 March 2013.
- 3. “Meet the Team.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/about/meet-the-team/ > 21 Jan. 2013.
- 4. “Welcome.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/category/play/ > 4 Feb. 2013.
- 5. “Childhood 101: Top 50 bloggers 2012.” Top 50 Bloggers. < http://www.kidspot.com.au/MySpot-Top-50-bloggers-Childhood-101-Top-50-bloggers-2012+6856+416+article.htm > 4 Feb. 2013.
- 6. “Play Grow Learn. Because Play Matters.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/playgrowlearn/> 6 Feb. 2013.
- 7. Op.cit., “Welcome.”
- 8. “We Play.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/category/play/we-play/ > 6 Feb. 2013.
- 9. “Submit Your Play Idea.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/playopedia/submit-your-play-idea/ > 6 Feb. 2013.
- 10. “Introducing Playopedia.” Childhood 101. < http://childhood101.com/2011/06/introducing-playopedia/ > 6 Feb. 2013.
- 11. “Why Playopedia?” Childhood101. < http://childhood101.com/playopedia/why-playopedia/ > 6 Feb. 2013.