Move Theory

Move Theory
The Move Theory is a consulting and training company based on Dr. Kwame M. Brown's idea that exploring movement in a playful manner is the way to create "strong, healthy, happy young people." He maintains that such exploration must also include "effort, consistency, interaction and cooperation with others and the development of internal belief...through infrastructure and gentle guidance."

Claude Ahrens

Claude Ahrens
Biography of Claude W. Ahrens, who started the Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. Claude Ahrens' support for the recreation industry continues today through the Ahrens Foundation.

Must Have Play

Must Have Play

As an elders' play space design company, Must Have Play believes in providing safe, healthy playgrounds that the "Baby Boom" generation will want to visit for exercise, socializing, and play. They believe that elder play spaces can be "light-hearted and playful" as well as being "appealing, attractive, accessible, and safe places."

Women in Toys

Women in Toys

Women in Toys (WIT) is a professional mentoring and networking organization for women and men within the toy, entertainment, and licensing industries. As a global organization, they support and celebrate their achievements in the toy industry.

Natural Playscapes, Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul

Natural Playscapes, Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul
Rusty Keeler's Natural Playscapes, Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul is an explanation of and a workbook for creating children's outdoor play areas. These natural playscapes utilize "art, hills, pathways, trees, herbs, open areas, sand, water, music" so that "children will find places to run, climb, dig, pretend, and hide, with opportunities to bellow or be silent."
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