Betsy Caesar

Betsy Caesar
President of Playcare, Inc., Betsy Caesar is a playground designer and playground safety expert. Betsy believes that "the greatest single cause of playground injury is the lack of maintenance. A playground that is created but not maintained in a safe manner can be the cause of serious injury or even death" to children.

Children & Nature Network

Children & Nature Network
Children & Nature Network was founded in 2006 to address the Nature Deficit Disorder issue raised by Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods. Richard and five other leaders in diverse fields created the nonprofit Children & Nature Network with the initiative to "Leave No Child Inside." Their mission was to reconnect children to nature for two purposes: the physical health, cognitive development, and emotional well-being of the child, and the good of the planet.

Chicago Toy & Game Group

Chicago Toy & Game Group Logo
Launched in 2003, Chicago Toy & Game Group is a series of events, awards, and resources to encourage invention of toys and games. The Chicago Toy & Game Week hosts the International T&G Conference, TAGIE Awards, the Social Media @ Play Conference, the I-SPI, the Play with Purpose Conference, the Youth Inventor Challenge, and the free two day ChiTAG Fair.


A commercial playground equipment manufacturer, Childforms offers a full line of modular play structures and play environments for early childhood and elementary market. They believe in "offering quality products at a fair price with excellent customer service" and in "assisting our children in learning about the health benefits of outdoor play."

Child's Play

Child's Play
A "gamer-run" nonprofit organization, Child's Play coordinates game and toy donations for children's hospitals worldwide. By providing videogame consoles, videogames, videos, coloring books, cartoons, books, and arts and crafts supplies Child's Play seeks to ameliorate the stress of long-term hospitalization for the children and their families.

Childhood 101

Childhood 101
A blog-based website, Childhood 101 was founded by Christie Burnett as a central location for information about children and play with content written by Christie and other parents. The Childhood 101 blog has grown into a website and an e-zine.


A school health program, CATCH focuses on physical activity, healthy food choices, and the prevention of tobacco use for children from preschool through 8th grade. CATCH seeks to reduce and eliminate health risk factors for children, including the risks of obesity and diabetes.
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