Childhood 101

Childhood 101
A blog-based website, Childhood 101 was founded by Christie Burnett as a central location for information about children and play with content written by Christie and other parents. The Childhood 101 blog has grown into a website and an e-zine.


A school health program, CATCH focuses on physical activity, healthy food choices, and the prevention of tobacco use for children from preschool through 8th grade. CATCH seeks to reduce and eliminate health risk factors for children, including the risks of obesity and diabetes.

Camp Fire USA

Camp Fire USA vintage photo
Originally founded as Camp Fire Girls, Camp Fire USA is a national youth development organization that serves boys and girls, with an emphasis on school-aged children. Camp Fire USA's program encompasses four core areas: Caring, Camping, Contributing, and Connecting.


Cemrock Synthetic Animal for climbing
Founded in 1978, Cemrock Naturalistic Environments constructs, fabricates, and installs concrete landscaping features and realistic exhibits for zoos, aquariums, parks, playgrounds, and museums.

Louis Bowers

Louis Bowers
For 40 years Dr. Louis Bowers was a physical education researcher, grant writer, professor, author, and administrator in the higher education arena with a specialty in Adapted Physical Education and a focus on the development of children with disabilities through play.
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