Michael Spock

Michael Spock began his career as the Director of the Boston Children's Museum in 1962. His unconventional educational background led him to approach revitalizing the museum with an experiential and informal platform.

Recreation Management

Recreation Management
Recreation Management is a monthly magazine published by CAB Communications of Palatine, Illinois. The magazine was created in the fall of 1999 by publisher Chris Belbin with the aim of providing facility managers of recreation, sports, and fitness facilities current information on products, ideas, issues, and trends in the recreation market.

FlagHouse Inc

FlagHouse Inc
Founded in 1954, FlagHouse, Inc. is a supplier of equipment for physical education, sports, fitness, recreation, and special needs audiences through catalogs and e-commerce options. FlagHouse is the distributor of SNOEZELEN, multi-sensory environments for those with cognitive and physical disabilities.

Restore Hockey

Restore Hockey
Restore Hockey is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the sport of hockey financially accessible to children through the recycling of hockey equipment, financial donations for new equipment packages, partnerships with businesses and leagues, and the proceeds from their Pro Shop.


Children love a challenge. They enjoy the sense of mastery over their body and its emotions, especially fear. As they play, they test their abilities, giving themselves new goals and challenges to master. Mastering challenges results in giving children a sense of personal power and a satisfying feeling of accomplishment.

UPC Parks

UPC Parks
As a division of Universal Precast of Redding, California, UPC Parks specializes in linked climbing boulders, rope bridges, and rock and log stepping stones for children’s playgrounds.

A World Fit For Kids!

A World Fit For Kids!
A Los Angeles afterschool program, A World Fit For Kids! (WFIT) is a nonprofit organization that utilizes an award-winning mentoring model in disadvantaged communities in order to reduce childhood obesity, increase high school graduation rates, and prepare youth for the workforce.

The Playwork Primer

The Playwork Primer
Professional playworker Penny Wilson has communicated the essence of the British playwork movement through The Playwork Primer, a 40 page booklet published by the Alliance for Childhood. She has endeavored to introduce playwork and the adventure playground concepts to the American play industry.

Wild Zones

Wild Zones

Created by David Hawkins and Karen Payne, Wild Zones or “Create-with-Nature” Zones are open-ended natural play spaces for self-directed play, creativity, learning, and socializing among children, adolescents, and adults.

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