Urban parks
Urban parks aren’t extra amenities for cities—they provide fundamental roles that improve quality of life while improving air quality and creating close-to-home opportunities for outdoor recreation and experiences with nature. Read more
Urban parks aren’t extra amenities for cities—they provide fundamental roles that improve quality of life while improving air quality and creating close-to-home opportunities for outdoor recreation and experiences with nature. Read more
At CES 2020, toy makers returned to the real world with games, bots, and AR board games. Here are 6 of the best edu-taining STEM-related toys shown this year. Read more
Conclusions about the effects of digital media are often incomplete, irrelevant or wrong when just researching the amount of screen time involved. A better analysis would be to determine what people are actually seeing and doing on their screens. Read more
New standards set by the Agriculture Department will allow schools more flexibility on the requirements originally promoted by Michelle Obama to require more fruits and vegetables and low fat milk. Read more
The second-largest school district in California is seeking monetary compensation for costs incurred as a result of the rise in the use of e-cigarettes among youth. Their lawsuit cites the difficulties facing schools with students vaping. Read more
Utah’s public schools can now count recess as instructional time. Schools will no longer feel pressured to cut recess time to account for the academic hours required. Read more
A study reveals that children living in rural areas outperform those living in metropolitan areas when it comes to motor skills and other elements of physical fitness. Read more
Short-sightedness in kids was rising long before they took to their screens. Many studies have looked at possible risk factors, but one strong possibility seems to involve the amount of time spent outdoors in the daylight. Read more
What if children ran the school lunchroom? A new program lets students customize their meals, participate in taste tests and brainstorm ways to redesign their school cafeterias. Read more