bikes and bike lanes
The basketball icon, LeBron James, knows that if you want kids to succeed, you need to give them access to bikes and bike lanes. He stresses the importance of bike lanes for safety while advocating for the freedom riding bikes gives children. Read more
A glorious wild childhood
A glorious wild childhood with unsupervised access to the countryside led this author to write How to Train a Dragon and other children’s books. He fears today’s children miss out on adventures that could enhance their lives. Read more
Scientists have found a clue to how autism spectrum disorder disrupts the brain's information highways. There's an abnormality in cells that produce a substance called myelin. Further studies are hoped to bring treatment or prevention. Read more
entire school just for kindergarteners
A Washington State school district made an entire school just for kindergarteners where joy and play are the focus. Play is finally making a comeback. Read more
step back
Parents need to frequently step back and let their children initiate their own play to allow children to solve their own problems and to turn to other children to initiate new play ideas. The results foster healthy and independent play. Read more
distributing funding for parks
A report from the City Parks Alliance showcases seven cities that are leading the way in distributing funding for parks more equitably to include residents in lower-income areas. Each city does it differently. Read more
afterschool program
The New York City Council held a hearing to discuss a bill, which would require the city to offer every student who wants it a spot in a publicly funded afterschool program. Programs help keep children safe, encourage academic achievement, and inspire participation in extracurricular activities. Read more
Magical Bridge playground
Magical Bridge playground is truly all-inclusive. “It’s not a ‘special needs’ park. It is just a park that doesn’t put up barriers.” Families of all different abilities drive hundreds of miles to visit. Read more