Parks & Rec Business Magazine (PRB) is a recreation industry resource for parks and recreation directors, staff, and managers. Published by Northstar Publishing, PRB includes information concerning play spaces, parks, fitness, sports, and aquatics as well as administration, leadership, programming, grounds, and maintenance. 28 June 2018." href="#footnote1_5glm9r5">1
In 2000, Rodney Auth was publishing Camp Business when he realized that many of his vendors wanted to advertise more specifically in the parks and recreation industry. Soon thereafter he launched PRB to fill the vendors’ needs and to provide another voice for industry concerns and topics.
Along with a featured article, every issue includes articles under the headings of Parks + Playgrounds, Grounds + Sports Turf, Sports + Fitness + Recreation, Athletic + Recreation Programming, and Everything H2O. The majority of the content is written by people in the industry. Regular columns include storytelling by Ron Ciancutti, purchasing manager for the Cleveland MetroParks, and Randy Gaddo, a former Marine turned recreation manager, offers advice on how to be a better leader. National Alliance for Youth Sports CEO John Engh weighs in on the importance of parks and recreation in children’s lives in the Sports Spotlight column while the Manager’s Toolbox takes a look at the day-to-day operations of national, state, and local agencies and offers tip on how to effectively run facilities and programs that appeal to the public.
Each monthly edition can be received either in print or digitally, including mobile device editions.2
Based in McCall, Idaho, Northstar also publishes Camp Business, serving another field that caters to day and overnight camps across the country. 18 June 2018." href="#footnote3_dajk7ak">3