Novelty Playground Era

Novelty Playground Era
The novelty playground era is the time period in playground history when play spaces departed from the typical basic metal play equipment, concrete pipe designs, and asphalt surfacing of the early 20th century to designs with bright colors and thematic, sculptured play structures.

Functional Play

Functional Play - - Jomphong
Functional play has been described as the first play of children. Beginning in infancy, as a child learns to control his actions and make things happen, he finds enjoyment in shaking a rattle, splashing in the bath, and dropping objects repeatedly from his high chair.


child loving nature - Biophilia
Described as the love of life and living systems, biophilia is thought to be a genetic result of evolutionary processes. Biophilia is seen in children, especially as they are drawn to animals and enjoy playing outdoors in natural settings.

Fresh Air Fund

Fresh Air Fund kids enjoying boating
The Fresh Air Fund is a nonprofit agency that organizes free summer experiences in the country for New York City children who often aren't allowed to play outside due to unsafe neighborhoods. It also is designed to help New York City youngsters understand the relationship between school and work and how to make choices that will determine their futures.
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