Why do kids have to go to school
Why do kids have to go to school? Schools are a tried-and-true place where kids gain new skills and knowledge that they continue to use and build on for the rest of their lives. Read more
fun camping activities
Camping is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, unplug, and reconnect with your child. Here are 25 fun camping activities that will help you and your child make wonderful memories on your next camping adventure. Read more
creative ways to keep kids cool
Now that we’re all basking in hot summer days from coast to coast, here are some very creative ways to keep kids cool. Read more
Park on the Move
The Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation is offering the Park on the Move program to enable more youth in park-poor communities to play and stay active. Read more
Engage Every Student Initiative
Afterschool Alliance joins the U.S. Department of Education in launching the ‘Engage Every Student Initiative,’ an historic federal commitment to giving every student access to high-quality out-of-school-time learning. Read more
hosting a pop-up playground
Here are 5 tangible tips for hosting a pop-up playground in your neighborhood. Two nonprofits have created a comprehensive tool kit to help you get started. Read more
Ernest T Attwell
Age Appropriate
children’s self-esteem
Parents can nurture children’s self-esteem without raising narcissists. For parents who worry about fostering the wrong behaviors in their children, here are tips on healthy ways to reinforce kids’ value and lovability. Read more