Generation Alpha kids
Generation Alpha kids, those born after 2010, are often compared to honey badgers. Experts provide insights on the honey badger generation and how it may have come to be, plus how parents can navigate raising Generation Alpha. Read more
Forest bathing
‘Forest bathing’, which simply means being calm and quiet ‘amongst the trees’ and observing the surrounding natural world while breathing deeply can be a powerful de-stressing tool for youth. Read more
workforce development
Thousands of park and recreation agencies across the country offer a workforce development and/or career exploration program targeted to youth and young adults entering the labor force. Read more
American high school
The American high school is broken. American teens are disengaged, stressed, and questioning the value of high school and college. Experts offer up examples of innovations, solutions or possible paths forward as education leaders navigate the current crisis. Read more
Park Pulse poll 2024
Ninety-two percent of U.S adults experience a positive mental health boost after spending time at their local parks, according to the latest National Recreation and Park Association Park Pulse poll. Read more
making a difference
Grammy Awards don't only go to the people who produce and perform songs. For just over a decade, they've also been given out to those who teach others how to make music. This teacher is making a difference in children’s lives. Read more
Children's museums
Children's museums are places of wonder and curiosity where play and learning take center stage. Here is a list of 15 museums that are definitely worth a visit. Read more
pioneering research
When Sesame Street debuted in November 1969, it began its practice of pioneering research, testing its content before airing it to ensure children learned the intended messages of each episode and enjoyed watching it. Read more