Lenore Skenazy

Lenore Skenazy
New York City-based Lenore Skenazy is a syndicated columnist constantly examining the curious realities of daily life. "Free-Range Kids" is a phrase and a movement Lenore created and promoted through a blog, a book, and speaking engagements. She has become a voice to "start renormalizing childhood" and to realize that "Kids are competent, kids are capable."

American Girl

American Girl
A subsidiary of Mattel, American Girl manufactures historical dolls, customized dolls, baby dolls, toddler dolls, doll clothing and matching children's clothing, and period accurate accessories and furniture.

Providence Children's Museum

Providence Children’s Museum Logo
Providence Children's Museum is an interactive hands-on museum designed to "inspire learning through active play and exploration." They believe in the vital role that unstructured child-led play has in facilitating both learning and creativity. Located in Providence, Rhode Island, they serve southern New England children ages 1-11 years and the adults in their lives.

Theora Design

Theora Design
Theora Design is a business that creates and designs toys, games, crafts, dolls, electronic games, and novelties. They also collaborate with other toy and game inventors and encourage young entrepreneur designers. While others fear the electronic age has ended games, Theora Design believes that games are "enjoying a renaissance" as "people seek avenues for interacting with each other."
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