Slow Family

Susan Sachs Lipman
Susan Sachs Lipman (Suz) created the Slow Family blog and the Slow Parenting movement to help busy parents reconnect with their families and their passions through fun activities in nature and at home. She believes that "the Slow Movement is not necessarily about slowing (though it can be)."


KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1996 by Darell Hammond and Dawn Hutchison. Darell served as CEO for 20 years and led KaBOOM! with a collaboration of partners to build, open, or improve more than 17,000 playgrounds, engaged more than 1.5 million volunteers, and served more than 9 million children.

Leathers and Associates

Leathers and Associates
In 1971, Bob Leathers was asked if he would organize a group of people to help build a playground at his children's elementary school. After helping with this playground and seeing the need for community built playgrounds, Bob founded Leathers and Associates in 1971 in Ithaca, New York.


Playing with sand encourages the imagination and creativity of children. Using shovels, buckets, and other containers and toys, children have an endless number of opportunities for exploratory play. Playing with sand includes sensory, cognitive, social, and therapeutic benefits.

Ultimate Block Party

Ultimate Block Party
New York City hosted the first Ultimate Block Party event on October 3, 2010. Described as a giant play date, 50,000 children and parents enjoyed a day at Central Park filled with fun activities designed to encourage learning through play.

International Play Association World

International Play Association World
The International Play Association (IPA) World is a global non-government organization that protects, preserves, and promotes the child's fundamental human right to play. IPA World identifies negative trends affecting children's development worldwide and proposes remedies that involve better housing and community planning and meeting the children's needs for health, education, welfare, and leisure.

Worldwide Day of Play

Worldwide Day of Play

The Worldwide Day of Play (WWDOP), an initiative of the entertainment brand, Nickelodeon, is designed to encourage active outdoor play. Every year since 2004, Nickelodeon has designated the Worldwide Day of Play signaling children and families to move away from their television and computer screens by having the Nickelodeon networks and websites go dark for three hours.

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