promote toy safety

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), Safe Kids Worldwide, and The Toy Association are joining together to promote toy safety and smart purchasing practices for parents, grandparents, and loved ones this holiday season. Read more

Playful failure

Playful failure: exposing kids to failure early, and often, gets them into the right mindset to be future changemakers, comfortable with not accepting the state of things as final, of trying something, failing, then trying again. Read more

Outward Bound

The Outward Bound program consistently has students responding that they are making gains in compassion for others, communication and refocusing skills, positive mindset, and perseverance and grit. Philadelphia schools are onboard. Read more

Peter Gray

Dr Peter Gray
As a research professor of psychology at Boston College for 30 years, Dr. Peter Gray brought the evolutionary viewpoint to general psychology, education, human development, and children’s play.

Lego adult products

Creativity is an estimated $44 billion industry, and activities like drawing, coloring, and crafting have become 21st-century tranquilizers for over-stressed adults. Lego now offers a product designed to de-stress adults and get their creative juices flowing. Read more

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