remove their swings
A preschool in Washington State had to remove their swings, because if children swing for more than 15 minutes a day, the preschool loses points on a state rating system for child care centers. Read more
A preschool in Washington State had to remove their swings, because if children swing for more than 15 minutes a day, the preschool loses points on a state rating system for child care centers. Read more
Arizona teachers, parents and legislators teamed up last year for the sake of children’s health, pushing for legislation that would require more recess or unstructured playtime for elementary school children. The early results of that effort are promising. Read more
“I’m bored!” It is important that kids get bored when they’re young. The ability to handle boredom is correlated with the ability to focus, to self-regulate, and to respond constructively, to make something happen for themselves. Read more
One in ten children in America are diagnosed with having ADHD, the number almost doubling in the last 20 years. What are the causes? What can be done? Read more
Researchers studying sibling humor have proposed that being able to tell a successful joke requires language skills and timing, the ability to understand the minds and emotions of others, and being able to think in creative and fast-paced ways. Read more
Two-thirds of Philadelphia School District elementary schools don’t have playgrounds. Private funding is often the answer to try to remedy this disparity. Read more
With the decrease in physical education and recess time over the past 30 years, several disturbing trends have emerged. This article published by the National Association of Elementary School Principals makes several helpful suggestions to right the wrong of forcing children to sit at their desks for so long. Read more
With just over one-third of girls ages 6-11 meeting healthy physical activity guidelines, encouraging girls to be involved with sports is an important goal, which can be helped with strong role models and more female coaches. Read more
Taking a hike, running around a playground, and going on a pontoon boat ride may seem routine to the casual observer, but outdoor recreational experiences such as these can be life-changing for children with autism. Read more
Have we lost touch with the importance of touch and physical play in childhood? Touch is often discouraged in schools where children spend most of their time. Read more