adult recess

In recent years, a newer brand of grown-up recreation has begun to materialize across the country that emphasizes fun over competition, with a carefree name to match—adult recess. It allows adults to focus on the real benefit of these after-hour meetups: playing. Read more

9 hours of sleep

Only 48% of school age children in the United States get 9 hours of sleep most weeknights, according to new research. Those who do are significantly more likely to show a positive outlook toward school and other signs of childhood flourishing. Read more

an asset to cities

In less than a year, skateboarding will make its debut in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. It’s an international sport with an estimated 50m participants. But, more than that, skateboarding is becoming an asset to cities to help attract investment, reclaim public spaces and create resilient communities. Read more


Schools with many low-income, black students have been shortchanged for years when it comes to monkey bars, climbing walls and swings, and the known health benefits of playgrounds. A concerted effort is being made to change this. Read more

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