Traditional day camps
Traditional day camps: Are they on the brink of extinction? How do they compare to summer child care programs? Read more
Traditional day camps: Are they on the brink of extinction? How do they compare to summer child care programs? Read more
A recent study found that physical activity for adolescents aged 11-17 decreased in the summer as compared to the school year. Read more
It is the interactions that young children have with the important adults in their lives that are the crucial factor in a child’s brain development in the first three years. Here are some handy resources to incorporate play into their early years. Read more
Designing Streets for Kids is a handbook that shows very concretely how you should design streets from the point of view of children (and their parents) that allow children to make more independent use of public space for play and travel. Read more
Are your kids striving or thriving? There are seven character strengths that help kids and adults flourish across their lifespan: self-confidence, empathy, self-control, integrity, curiosity, perseverance and optimism. Read more
Do sensory processing issues get better over time? They may not disappear, but they usually become milder as kids mature, and learn to manage them. Read more
A 7th grade teacher who has watched her students grow anxious and passive due to overparenting and learned helplessness offers straightforward tips on how to let kids do more on their own. Read more
The Trust for Public Land has recently announced that Washington, DC, was rated the nation’s best park system on the annual ParkScore® index for 2021. Read more
Hundreds of proposed walking and bike trail projects around the country have an ultimate goal: a nationwide network akin to the interstate highway system — but for cyclists and walkers instead of cars and trucks. Read more