National Recreation and Park Foundation

The National Recreation and Park Foundation (NRPF) was a nonprofit organization that advanced parks, recreation, and environmental conservation efforts. Their mission was to “support research and public awareness of the economic, social, and physical value of parks and recreation in creating healthy families and communities for all populations to include educating and reaching the underserved.”1

The NRPF supported the work of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), but operated separately through a board of professionals and community leaders who had extensive experience in the park and recreation movement. Fran Mainella, past Director of the National Park Service and past president of NRPA, was the Chair of the Foundation for five years.2

Founded in 2007 through the support of Musco Lighting, PlayCore, Inc., Landscape Structures, Inc., and O'Brien and Sons, Inc.,3 the National Recreation and Park Foundation was joined by BCI Burke in 2010 with a challenge grant that provided further fund-raising momentum toward their initial $1 million endowment funds goal.4

The National Recreation and Park Foundation's primary focus was to raise endowment money for the park and recreation movement. They also awarded small annual grants for immediate needs projects, such as supporting the National Summit on Environmental Stewardship (2008) and the Summit on the Value of Play (2009). This Summit on the Value of Play directly led to the formation of the US Play Coalition.5

The National Recreation and Park Foundation ceased activity in 2010.

  • 1. “National Recreation and Park Foundation: Who Are We and What Is It That We Do?” National Recreation and Park Foundation. < > 28 Feb. 2011.
  • 2. Ibid.
  • 3. NRPF Challenge Update.” email from The National Recreation and Park Foundation. 19 Oct. 2010.
  • 4. “National Recreation and Park Foundation.” Burke Premier Play Environments. < > 29 May 2011.
  • 5. “About Us.” US Play Coalition, Value of Play. < > 29 May 2011.
